Cake Decorator rshippo


rshippo's Cake Photos view more

  • Cakes_004.jpg 1st square wedding cake. white cake ivory icing, black ribbon, fresh flowers
  • Rock Band Drums Grooms cake chocolate cake fondant covered. Made to look like rock band drums. Not perfect but the people loved it.
  • Giraffe Cake Giraffe cake from Lindy Smith party animal book. For my son 1st birthday.Chocolate cake and fondant
  • Construction Cake kids birthday cake construction theme.
  • Wedding Cake With Fresh Roses white cake white icing
  • 3D Cement Truck 3D cement truck fondant covered rice krispie treat barrel.
  • Champagne Glasses drawing of champagne glasses with ribbon around them based on customers invitation
  • Fondant Gum Paste Course Cake white cake with pink fondant box and gum paste carnations.
  • Wedding Cake Last minute wedding cake fresh flowers were going to be put on top.
  • Cross Cake white and buttercream cake with chocolate piped cross.
  • Wedding Cake With Roses buttercream and white wedding cake with fresh roses.
  • Grooms Cake Chocolate sludge cake horseshoes covered in white and dark ganacje with chocolate dipped strawberries.
  • Ivory Wedding Cake Calla Lilly And Tulips my first wedding cake, the bride gave me a picture from a magazine but wanted tulips as well. The bride and groom loved it as did all the...

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