Cake Decorator amstandley


amstandley's Cake Photos view more

  • "a Star Is Born' Cake This is a three layer cake... bottom to top: Chocolate, red velvet, strawberry. Iced with pink icing, then surrounded the sides with...
  • Red, White And Blue Cake Used a white cake, divided into three bowls. Dyed one bowl red and another bowl blue with food coloring. Baked the remaining plain white,...
  • Horse Cake For my daughters 7th birthday, I cut a chocolate sheet cake into the shape of a horses head, coconut for the mane, icing for the reins....
  • Sushi Cake Made for a birthday where the girl loved sushi. Rice crispies molded and wrapped with fruit by the foot, topped with swedish fish. Spice...
  • Chzbrgr_Cake.jpg Made this for my daughter 5th birthday. Yellow cake (bun), Chocolate cake(burger), sesame (rice crispies), lettuce (green food colored...

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