Cake Decorator sedinga


sedinga's Cake Photos view more

  • Pink Tink Made this for a family party that my work was putting on. I thought I would try doing a FBCT that was level with the other icing. I don&#...
  • 3 Cabaleros White cake, FBCT of the Three Cabaleros. It was so hot that day, by the time we got it to the lake (about a 2 hours later) it wasn't...
  • Brown And Ivory Wedding Cake cake is 3 2 layer white cakes iced with rolled buttercream. Swirls almost taste like fudge becasue I put so much cocoa in this icing. The...
  • Giraffe Cake This is a chocolate cake, iced with buttercream (does anyone else find that you make a whole lot more chocolate cakes thatn anything else...
  • Fairy Cake This is made with the Cabbage Patch Kid 3-D pan. I wanted to make the wings out of rice paper, but I couldn't find any that would be...
  • Little Boy's Birthday My friends wanted a birthday cake done for their little boy turning 2. They wanted a Thomas the Tank cake (which I did) but I did this one...
  • Hydrangea Wedding Cake Top and bottom layer are forms, the two lopsided middle ones are real. One is chocolate, one is white. Im just wondering if anyone has any...
  • Tiger Cake This was made with the 3d bear pan.
  • Winter Wedding Cake I made this for some friend's of our's for their November wedding. I decided not to make the snowflakes out of royal icing like...
  • Elvis Cake This is my first FBCT. I layed it on top of rolled fondant. Hmmm... One thing I know to do better for next time is to smooth it out more....

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