Need Help With This Mudcake Mess

Decorating By WhitePeony Updated 21 May 2014 , 4:37pm by maisie73

WhitePeony Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
WhitePeony Posted 9 May 2014 , 1:38am
post #1 of 2



I'm making a three tier (12, 10, 8) round cake which will be covered in fondant for this Saturday. As it's for myself I thought I'd try something for the first time and make the bottom tier a dark chocolate mudcake. So on Tuesday I used the PAM's recipe which I have heard lots of good things about on here to bake my first ever mudcake . I triple her recipe and it baked for 2 1/2 hours at 150 degrees celcius. i took it out when a skewer came out clean after being inserted in the cake. I let it cool in the tin. Now here is when things messed up, while I was taking the cake out of tin it cracked through the centre but I though it was just the top. today when I started torting the cake I realised it's cracked all the way through. ANY IDEA WHY?


Also, I know there are many posts on mudcakes but I'm having a hard time finding answers so I've resorted to asking them and I'm hoping I'll get some answers here.


I thought mudcakes are dense heavy cakes that are suitable for carving, holding up weight etc. But my cake seems very soft and crumbly. I know mudcakes need time to set up but 48 hours later is it still suppose to be literally like the texture of mud in the mouth and soft or did I just not cook mine long enough? There's a ring of softer, darker dough towards the edge that confuses me to what it is


So please have a look at the picture and tell me is that what the inside of a mud cake is suppose to look like?




P.s I'm not associating any of the problems with Pam's recipe as I'm pretty sure it's more got to do with the baking process.

1 reply
maisie73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
maisie73 Posted 21 May 2014 , 4:37pm
post #2 of 2

AHi whitepeony, I'm having the same problems with mudcake as you. I thought I'd search to see if there was an old thread about it before I start a new one but now I've found yours I'll give it a bump n the hope someone will take pity on us!

The mudcake I made on the weekend cracked so badly I had to piece it together and stick it with ganache. If I can't work out what I'm doing wrong I'll have to stop making them which is a shame cos they taste yummy!

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