What Not To Tell Your Baker.

Decorating By DeniseNH

DeniseNH Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
DeniseNH Posted 25 Feb 2014 , 12:43am
post #1 of 1

The thread "what not to say to your baker", needs a twin thread called what not to TELL (as in true confessions) to your baker.  Something happens around the table when the group arrives for a cake tasting and you hear the darndest things.  Like who hasn't been invited to the wedding because they may not be out of jail by then.  Or  that the bride is being tested for gluten problems so she'll get back to you with the outcome.  Or if my mother calls to change the design, hang up on her.  Or the guest list has been cut severely because my father is no longer welcome to attend so his side of the family isn't coming either.   Oh man, I'll bet there's a million "Taste Test Confessions" out there.  What are some of yours?

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