Is $50 Too Much????

Business By travelingcakeplate Updated 7 Sep 2007 , 8:13pm by KellyAnne1284

elvisb Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
elvisb Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:24am
post #61 of 82

I know if you look at someone's profile, you can see all their posts. That should catch all of them I would think.

Maybe just an email to Heath or Jackie would work too. They are both pretty wonderful. Sounds like Heath knows his way around a computer pretty well. He should have some ideas for you.

Good luck! And glad to hear you're not the rude one! Whew!

Lostinalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Lostinalaska Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 1:57pm
post #62 of 82
Originally Posted by KellyAnne1284

Wow. I just now signed into my email after being in the kitchen for 5 and 1/2 hours exactly working on a cake to find "reply" emails to this topic. I want to make it perfectly clear that I did not leave any of these posts. I have a roommate who I share this computer with, who I have also caught looking in my emails from time to time. Someone else earlier also mentioned that I had left a rude comment for them, too and I can assure you that I personally did not. I am a very nice person, honestly. I don't even know if I'd have the "kahunas" to say something that rude, even if I was thinking it. I'm sorry to anyone who may have been offended, I haven't even been online most of the day. I will be getting to the bottom of this situation ASAP.

Sorry I for one don't believe that "old" excuse for one min.

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 2:12pm
post #63 of 82

You don't really have to believe anything. I'm telling you that this is what's going on. Take it or leave it. I'm almost sure that if I had the balls to say something like that originally, I would have no reason to lie later on. It just doesn't make any sense.

Thanks to all of you for the tips on protecting my account. I'm in the middle of a big project right now, but will be taking steps to secure my account this afternoon.

justme50 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
justme50 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 2:25pm
post #64 of 82

The problem is, you did the same exact thing to someone else not a week ago. There are other posts of yours that are just as rude and you haven't done a thing about those either. It does seem a little odd that you continue to let this go on.

I can't imagine letting posts like that stand under my name and nothing else would be done until I took the few minutes it takes to get them removed. All you have to do is click edit at the top of your post, then delete whatever you want.

As far as not being able to figure out how to stop from being automatically logged in..If you really don't know how to do that:

tools/internet options/general then click delete.

Tools/Options/Privacy click clear.

Problem solved and it takes about 2 seconds.

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 3:39pm
post #65 of 82


As I stated previously, I didn't know that there was a way to look at all of your posts. Even if I did know, I'm pretty sure I would never take the time to look, especially since I wasn't aware my roomate was using my username.

As for fixing it right away, I'm sorry that I had more important things to do. When I discovered this as 12:30pm last night after being in the kitchen for hours and hours, I could barely keep my eyes open so i figured I'd do it today. When I got into work this morning, I was slammed with a huge presentation and a deadline of 7 minutes ago. This was far more important and I needed to use every single minute to get this done on time, so, no, I didn't have any time to putz around on here, go through all of my posts, see which ones were mine, edit the ones that weren't, etc.

Wow. At first, I felt bad about all this, but now people are still jumping down my throat after I explained what happened honestly. Now, it's like - why bother?

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 3:43pm
post #66 of 82

I'm in here now trying to edit these posts and I can't even figure out how. Usually there's an "edit" button, I think but I don't see it. i've never had to use it so I don't remember if I've actually seen it or if I just thought I had seen it.

Lostinalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Lostinalaska Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 3:49pm
post #67 of 82

Well maybe you should think about contacting the mod and asking for this thread to be deleted ! By the way I see the edit button on everyone of my post right next to the quote button hummm strange yours is missing

loriana Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
loriana Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 3:54pm
post #68 of 82

Hey Kelly,

I am at work too and get very busy so I understand. I would just email Heath and ask for assistance and do what you can in the meantime. The Edit button is where the other buttons are, when you go into each post. Good luck!

Loriana (Lisa)

justme50 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
justme50 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 4:00pm
post #69 of 82

Actually, I am running into a few of my posts that the edit button is missing for some reason. Usually it's at the top right, next to the quote button.

I'd just do a quick run through my posts by doing a find all posts, pick out the ones that weren't written by you and send the links to Heath asking him to delete them for you.

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 4:42pm
post #70 of 82

Thanks JustMe50. Yeah, it seems that my posts from today have an edit button, but not the ones from yesterday. Maybe there's a time limit on editing? I have no clue. It doesn't look like I'm going to have time in the work day to go through all of this, so I'm going to have to do it tonight. I think it's a good idea to email the moderators and ask for them to be removed. Thanks bunches.

freddyfl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
freddyfl Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:03pm
post #71 of 82

I believe that the time limit on posts is about 3 or 4 hours...then you can't delete it anymore without a moderator doing it for you. If I were you I would create a new username and password and allow your roommate to have the otherone. Trust me, she/he has been on your name a LOT more than you know. Which would also explain why you seemed to be a split personality, one time super sweet and the next time super rude. Hope you get it fixed soon.

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:08pm
post #72 of 82

I don't think I'll have to change my user name if I just change my password and keep it from being stored, right?

freddyfl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
freddyfl Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:19pm
post #73 of 82

No, you don't have to, but I probably would, because I wouldn't want people thinking I was a jerk, even if it wasn't me posting. Why is your roommate doing that anyways? Why don't they just make their own password/username?

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:32pm
post #74 of 82

I have no idea, really. I suspect she gets bored because she's not even into cakes or decorating in the least. Maybe she thinks it's funny? She denies it to the fullest, but I highly doubt that some stranger just happened to know my username and password and hi-jacked my account (which was a possible explination that she suggested). Let'e be real. I wanted to smack her. *sigh* Oh well.

vickster Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vickster Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:43pm
post #75 of 82

In Kelly's defense, I teach at a college and young people do all kinds of stuff on the computer thinking it's funny. There's a lot of folks that get on here and really pour their hearts out because they get to feeling "close" to the other people on here. A "lurker" (some one who pops in for a look) is just amused by that and doesn't mind at all firing off a shot. I saw on the news the other day where young people were driving up to fast food drive in windows and as soon as the worker would hand them their drinks they'd yell "fire in the hole" and throw it back in their faces. They thought it was hilarious. I tivoed it and brought my son in and made him watch it and promise me he'd never do anything so RUDE. My point is people do stuff thinking it's just a joke and it turns out really hurting someone. the "banality of evil".

loriana Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
loriana Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 5:45pm
post #76 of 82
Originally Posted by freddyfl

I believe that the time limit on posts is about 3 or 4 hours...then you can't delete it anymore without a moderator doing it for you. If I were you I would create a new username and password and allow your roommate to have the otherone. Trust me, she/he has been on your name a LOT more than you know. Which would also explain why you seemed to be a split personality, one time super sweet and the next time super rude. Hope you get it fixed soon.

Kelly: Yeah, you won't have to but you probably want to like freddyf was just saying. If there are a lot of rude comments, you would be better off with a fresh new name so you aren't "tainted by association" with your evil roomate. I would definitely get a new username if possible and ask Heath to move your pictures over there, etc...

freddyfl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
freddyfl Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 6:13pm
post #77 of 82

oh I definitely don't find it beyond the realm of possiblity that her roommate did it or thought it was funny, etc. I just don't know why you would want to mess with your roommate like that unless you didn't want them as a roommate anymore. I would be PISSED...if someone did that to me! As for the soda thing....that is HORRIBLE.....I have never understood people who can't put themselves in other peoples shoes and think how they would be feeling. I try to teach my kids that all the would YOU feel if someone did THAT to YOU?!?!? It all goes back to the golden rule doesn't it.

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 6:20pm
post #78 of 82

Heck yeah! Nobody thinks about anybody's feelings anymore. I went out to my car this morning, which I haven't locked the doors on in over 3 years because I live in a very, very nice neighborhood - to find that my car had been "broken into" (don't know if I can even call it that since I left it unlocked). They didn't take much except some CD's and change out of my little change cup, but they did take the CD CASE that my step mom gave me just before she passed away. It was he last gift to me. Not your ordinary CD case. These little hoodlums have no idea how much they have hurt me. I just felt so violated. Driving to work this morning I was almost grossed out by the fact that someone who I don't know was in my car, thoughing things. It made me sick.

loriana Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
loriana Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 6:33pm
post #79 of 82

Boy Im so sorry to hear that *hugs*

Sounds like you have a lot to straighten out. So how come you have such a horrible roomate in a "very very nice neighborhood". Is her name Paris Hilton? icon_rolleyes.gif

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 7:12pm
post #80 of 82

Haha. She's not Horrible, per say, she just does things like this that annoy the crap out of me on top of causing a huge inconvienence. She's a bit younger than I am (I'm 22), and she hasn't been a Mom for 3 years (causing me to grow up a whole hell of a lot more than I would have otherwise), like I do. The lease is almost up and Soon-to-be-hubby and I are buying a house. THANK HEAVENS!

elvisb Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
elvisb Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 7:47pm
post #81 of 82

Well, I must say to everyone who is getting down on Kelly, PLEASE give her some slack!!!! Think about how many things you have in common with her--are you a mom? a girlfriend/wife? have a house to keep up? a job? a cake business to run? How much free time do you have on your hands? I personally would like a few extra minutes now and then to dust or maybe fold the laundry instead of just wash and wear! icon_eek.gificon_confused.gif Now she has to clean up someone else's mess too? How about a bit more support here? Just like with the victim of the soda "joke", put yourself in her shoes.

Kelly, I too think a new user name and password are in order. Someone who hasn't read this thread might look at your past comments and think they are your thoughts, not knowing the truth. I would want a fresh start. Good luck, hun!

KellyAnne1284 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KellyAnne1284 Posted 7 Sep 2007 , 8:13pm
post #82 of 82

Thank you ElvisB! I couldn't have said it better myself. I've been thinking everytime I see this, "Geez, can't yall give a girl a break?'. I just went on a huge rant the other night about not ever having time to my almost hubby. I told him...I work full time and usually put in at least 5-8 hours overtime a week, I have a cake business on the side (albeit small), An almost 3 year old who is like a devil child lately to care for, a house to clean, laundry to do...and you come home and have the nerve to ask me when dinner's going to be ready as you sit on the couch and turn the XBox on?!?!?! I haven't really done much about this yet (a) because I just can't figure it all out and (b) Where is the time????????? lol

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