What To Do?(Long)

Decorating By chrissysconfections Updated 25 Oct 2006 , 3:19pm by chrissysconfections

chrissysconfections Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
chrissysconfections Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 1:15pm
post #1 of 27

Last night I had my first Wilton 2 class. I know there has been lots of talk about poor instructors and such in the past but I've got a bit of a problem with mine and I think it's more personal then anything(on her part). I live in a REALLY small town so the fact that these classes are even offered is amazing so I'm willing to roll with some of the punches but...
First of all as she was going around yesterday showing people what to do and how to make it better she would purposefully come to me and say really loud to the others "Well I don't have to look at yours, it's perfect" and then go on. By the end of class the others were standing up to wacth ME before they would try it! Normally one might be flattered about this kind of attention but I wasn't and they others had such an attitude about it like I was there to make them look bad or something! They literally stood up with their arms folded across their chests scowling at me. Well when we came to the rose buds I couldn't do them that well and then that was the big joke. The instructor actually said to everyone"Well looks like we've finally found something she can't do!" Then made a huge production out of repeatedly showing me how to do them!!(even after I got it down)
Secondly, before we left she was going on and on about the color flow for next week and about how we were to set up our boards or cake pans. The way she explained it seemed way too confusing to me and I simply asked her if it was the same principle as the FBCT and she said "what?" thinking she didn't hear me I repeated myself and she said "what is that?" so like an idiot I explained the whole thing and now her and some other's that listened in want to see pictures of my cake next week! Should I do this or make some kind of excuses and hope they forget? She seems to think she has the market cornered in our small area and HATES competition. She actually put me down for my wedding cake I put in our local fair! She said that she doesn't think it's fair that someone with her talent should put one in and make everyone else look bad!! With her attitude and my desire to be her best competition in the future should I give out my FBCT secret?
I don't know what to do!?!?! I don't want to look like an idiot or a know-it-all but I don't want to give away my secrets or any possible leg up I may have against others. I forget that talking to other decorator's here is helpful and wonderful but I can't do it with her. She's always looking for a way to discourage you or make you feel inadaquate. She put down my wedding cake but then encouraged another woman who just finished course 1 to do a wedding cake for someone and even told her how to price it!?!?!
I've got my stomach all tied up on on this one! I really need your help/advice!!

P.S. She told them to bring Royal Icing next week but failed to mention the problem with the crisco breaking it down if not cleaned properly and I noticed that a few of the girl were using real bags not disposables so I mentioned that they should boil the tips and be sure the bags are clean or use another one. The instructor just sat there and then said "oh yeah, everything she said is true" and then went on to explain why it breaks down icon_eek.gif

26 replies
melodyscakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
melodyscakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 1:36pm
post #2 of 27

I would "forget" to bring pictures next week. then just see how it goes. if you feel better after next week, share with the class....if not, keep forgetting.
as far as it being a small town, I wouldn't burn any bridges....I'd just put up with her queitly.

enjoy the rest of your classes

SweetThistleCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SweetThistleCakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:14pm
post #3 of 27

Get a refund and go elsewhere.

imartsy Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
imartsy Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:23pm
post #4 of 27

I agree with SweetThistleCakes - get a refund! It sounds like you can learn more on your own than you can from this person - and it sounds like you know more than her already! Perhaps investing in a video or a good book would be better than giving your money to this woman!

luvbakin Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
luvbakin Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:25pm
post #5 of 27

I wouldn't bring the pictures either. It's funny how you may not be that competitive, but when someone else is over board it makes you all of a sudden very competitive. I say keep your secrets. You will never will this person over, so why give her something to use against you later.

amodeoandrea Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
amodeoandrea Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:33pm
post #6 of 27

I agree with everyone else. I would forget the pictures, and let them figure it out on their own if they want to learn about FBCT. It stinks when you are excited about a class and someone like that is teaching it. Not very mature!
Kill her with kindness, and kick her butt the next time there is some sort of contest in your town!!!!! That's what I would do anyway.

gmcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gmcakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:42pm
post #7 of 27

Personally, I have never taken any classes, so this does not sound like something I would want to be part of!

It sounds like you have met someone that may be insecure about her own decorating abilities, and taking it out on you. She recommended another student for a wedding cake, even giving pricing suggestions, then made fun of your fair entry. I wouldn't be surprised if she intentionally set up the other student, thinking the couple would be let down by her work, and in return generate more business for herself (bad word of mouth carries far)! She may see a talent in you that she did not possess when she was a beginning decorator, and it may make her think that by putting you down, you will lose confidence and take less orders, in turn taking less business from her.

As Sweet Thistle said, get a refund and walk away from these classes, but not before you make a complaint to her supervisor! I am mainly self taught, and I am proof that you can teach yourself many things. I learned the basic borders and drop flowers from my Mom and grandmother (both decorators), but have skills now that neither of them would have thought possible. I make roses on a stick that really boggle my Mom's mind!!

ntertayneme Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ntertayneme Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:43pm
post #8 of 27

As an instructor myself, I do say at times a student does perfect on their work, because they just do... they do such a perfect job on some of the things they're learning... however, I never tell everyone to look at their work, or I try not to do this... I always demonstrate the flower or technique and then I walk around the room and show them only if they ask me to or if they say they're just not getting how it's done...

As far as ever saying their cakes aren't good enough, I'd never do that to anyone!! In fact, I try to encourage them to get out and do more cakes.. the more you do, the better you get... practice is what makes us get that perfection we try to get on all our cakes... so the more cakes you make, how can that possibly be wrong? I would encourage all my students to do entries in any exhibits they can ...

I would ask to speak to the instructor after the class and tell her how you feel or felt when she says things like this to you .. some people are not aware of how things they say make their students feel... by your post, you have made me aware of being more careful of saying students flowers are just perfect and not making them the center of attention by doing that.... I need to be made aware of things exactly like this and I would appreciate a student telling me that I had made them feel uncomfortable if I had done this to them... so I'd start off by telling the teacher after class... now if she did it again, depending on what store she's in (Michael's or Hobby Lobby), her supervisor needs to be aware that she's actually making her students uncomfortable and more than likely will cause class attendance to decline because of her actions...

I'm so sorry you're not enjoying classes because of this too... please let the instructor know and if she doesn't correct the way she's doing this, let her supervisor know... it really does warrant attention and/or correction!

dolfin Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
dolfin Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 2:54pm
post #9 of 27

The lady is obviously intimidated by your talent. It is hard to be creative in a hostile environment but there maybe some thing she can teach you. Try and stick it out, get your certificate and give the class cakecentral website, tell them they can get complete instructions and let them research for themselves. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone, let your talent do your talking for you. You should be flattered that they look to you before trying something, the instructor may not be explaining well enough for them to understand and want to see how you do it before trying. If it is really to much for you, ask for a refund and see if you can't order some videos or dvd's to help you, if not there is always CC some one here will be more than glad to help you (not me I don't know anything.....yet). PS: Maybe she is afraid you will try and take her instructing job. I agree with amodeoandrea KILL her with kindness.

gmcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gmcakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:01pm
post #10 of 27

After reading Cheryl's post (ntertayneme), it made me think...

Is she perhaps a new instructor? does she not know how to interact with her students yet? Perhaps she is focusing attention on you, to take it off of herself? For whatever reason, you should speak to her and let her know how you feel. I am not an instructor, but I would NEVER talk down anyone's cake. We all start somewhere.

If that doesn't fix you problem, then yes, you need to speak with her supervisor!

mmunzmarie Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mmunzmarie Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:02pm
post #11 of 27

I, too, have been in a weird situation with my Michaels instructor. She actually never wanted to help, not just me, but anyone in class. She would sit the entire time and when anyone asked for help she acted like she didnt hear them. She, did, however always talk about her personal life and always wanted to know about everyone elses gossip. I did finish all three classes because of the discounts you received when you did all 3 but, now, I deeply regret not saying something to her supervisor. I feel like I was cheated because I did not learn the basic skills correctly and have so many questions I would like answered.

I would definitely talk to her or her supervisor. I hope it all works out!! LOL! icon_smile.gif

lemoncurd Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lemoncurd Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:27pm
post #12 of 27

I'd just go to the last class, get what you can out of it, and leave. I wouldn't even bother trying to talk to this nutcase, or try to get a refund. Not worth the hassle.

My instructor was wonderful. I really liked her a lot. I never did Wilton 3, but don't feel like I need to. I was able to learn all about fondant here.

CakeDiva73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDiva73 Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:37pm
post #13 of 27

I had a similar problem in my Wilton class and I would ask questions and stuff and the other women gave me the dirtiest looks and then were talking smack about me in Spanish....icon_lol.gif So when they were done and looking at me all nice, I complimented their cakes.......in Spanish. You should have seen the look on their faces! Obviously they didn't realize I could understand them - LOL!

And the other ladies there were sort of rude too and I never, ever acted like I was better or anything. I had just been self taught and wanted to take the classes to make sure I didn't miss anything. So naturally I knew some of the steps prior to them being taught. It got to the point where I would wait until after to ask questions since they seemed to take such offense to mine.

But the instructor was very good and thorough and I learned a lot too.... do not share your FBCT because if my instructor treated me the way yours is, I would have blown my top! The RI thing is very important and she never mentioned it??? icon_surprised.gif A bigger person would have acknowledged your talent rather then trying to belittle it.....

mocakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mocakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:43pm
post #14 of 27

When I first started, I made my mom take the class with me. It was a riot! My poor mom had a blast, but cake decorating is NOT in her future! icon_lol.gif

Our instructor was named Vi and she looked like a drill sergeant. Short butchy hair and a deep gravelly voice made her pretty intimidating. (Anyone remember Roz from Monsters, Inc???? Enough said... icon_eek.gif )

Anyway, my sweet adorable mom was decorating her cake and it unfortunately looked nothing like everyone elses. And so in her scary manly voice Vi blurts out, "I don't know what cake YOU'RE doing...but the one WE are working on is on page 47!" My mom laughed, but was embarassed.

When we finally finished the cake that evening, Vi told us to write whatever we wanted to on our cake. I wrote, "I love my boys" ....My mother leaned over and said, "Mine's gonna' say "Bite me, Vi".... icon_surprised.gificon_surprised.gif

7 years later and we still laugh about that! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

CakeDiva73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDiva73 Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:46pm
post #15 of 27
Originally Posted by mocakes

When we finally finished the cake that evening, Vi told us to write whatever we wanted to on our cake. I wrote, "I love my boys" ....My mother leaned over and said, "Mine's gonna' say "Bite me, Vi".... icon_surprised.gificon_surprised.gif

7 years later and we still laugh about that! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

LOL - Thank you for the good belly laugh that gave me! Sounds like your Mom is a gem - mine would have told her to go to he$$....... icon_lol.gif

( now you know where I get my mean temper! icon_redface.gif )

amodeoandrea Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
amodeoandrea Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 3:48pm
post #16 of 27
Originally Posted by mocakes

When I first started, I made my mom take the class with me. It was a riot! My poor mom had a blast, but cake decorating is NOT in her future! icon_lol.gif

Our instructor was named Vi and she looked like a drill sergeant. Short butchy hair and a deep gravelly voice made her pretty intimidating. (Anyone remember Roz from Monsters, Inc???? Enough said... icon_eek.gif )

Anyway, my sweet adorable mom was decorating her cake and it unfortunately looked nothing like everyone elses. And so in her scary manly voice Vi blurts out, "I don't know what cake YOU'RE doing...but the one WE are working on is on page 47!" My mom laughed, but was embarassed.

When we finally finished the cake that evening, Vi told us to write whatever we wanted to on our cake. I wrote, "I love my boys" ....My mother leaned over and said, "Mine's gonna' say "Bite me, Vi".... icon_surprised.gificon_surprised.gif

7 years later and we still laugh about that! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

Great story icon_razz.gif

doescakestoo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
doescakestoo Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 4:00pm
post #17 of 27

I agree with ntertayneme I too am an instructor with Wilton. I would talk to her in private before or after the class. I try not to make someone stand out in class. Because they are all there to learn. I too learn from my students and I have been teaching 14 + years. I don't want any student of mine to feel on the spot or stand out and uncomfortable. PM me if she keeps this up and I will give you her supervisors number. She is affraid of your talents. Don't be affraid of her. thumbs_up.gif

mmdd Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mmdd Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 4:03pm
post #18 of 27

Hmm....what should you do???

Go complain to "higher-ups" and teach the class yourself.

Just joking. It doesn't sound like you're gonna learn anything from her. I would try to talk to someone about it.

Good Luck!

ntertayneme Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ntertayneme Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 4:07pm
post #19 of 27

debiashwood is right on the money with this one too... talk to her.. if she treats you disrespectfully in any way, let one of us know.. her supervisor needs to be aware of what's happening.. I have some extremely talented students and I learn something new in every class for each and every student... I share, they share... to me that's what it's all about .. do not let this instructor belittle you in any way (nor should she) .. so speak to her before or after the class and try to get this worked out ... she could be new and just isn't aware of how she's speaking or treating others... but make her aware... She needs to correct any behavior that would make anyone feel inferior or make her class attendance decline. Please do talk to her even if it is your last class.

mcakes, I'd love to have your mom in my class.. she'd be a blast!! lol love the story too! icon_smile.gif

mocakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mocakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 6:53pm
post #20 of 27

My mom's sweet angelic face and piercing blue eyes can be deceiving....never mess with the Irish! icon_wink.gif

doescakestoo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
doescakestoo Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 7:03pm
post #21 of 27

Go and learn the technique's that she teaches. It seems you are a quick learner. I love students like that personnaly. Some of my past students have gone on and won blue ribbons at the OSAS here in Tulsa. Would never dream of knocking down thier learning and spreading thier wings.

chrissysconfections Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
chrissysconfections Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 8:00pm
post #22 of 27

Thanks for all your suggestions but I'm afraid talking to her or her supervisor is out of the question. This store isn't like a Micheal's or AC Moore type. It's a variety store that has paint, wall paper, and floral on one side and household, cake decorating and hallmark-like knick knacks on the other side. The "supervisor" would be the co-owner and she and the instructor are long time friends. They have even given her a key to the place and allow her there without supervision. When I say small town I mean REALLY DINKY!! If I were to talk to her she would just spread horrible rumors around about me....both personal and professionally. She's the kind of person you have to tread lightly around. She isn't new to decorating or instructing but the exact years I'm not sure about. She's known me for some time through a friend of a friend situation and was highly upset she didn't make my wedding cake 3 yrs ago.....so much so that she mentioned it again last night at class for the 3rd time! I've had her cake at the said friend's wedding and everyone was unhappy with it but no one spoke up....I've heard lots of negative feedback about her as well since I started taking these classes. She has her hands in a lot of the mom & pop places around here to do minor decorating for them and has enough connections that she could make things really hard on me. I just don't know what to do! I only decided to take this class because I wanted to learn the flowers....the rest I can learn on here honestly. I'm the type that once I see it done I can do it but to read it does nothing. I tried working from the book earlier because she canceled this class before. She won't work in the summer or winter and then the rest of the class bailed on her after saying they would take course 2. We're lucky this class got off the ground! They had to have course 1 all over again to get enough people and out of 8 people that signed up from her last class only 4 showed up.
She's already shaken my confidence because I have a friend in the DJ business that got a wedding call and wanted to pass my name along for the cake but wanted to check with me first and I passed on it. The thing that really gets me is that she didn't even see my wedding cake!! She's making comments on something she knows NOTHING about!! I don't expect to be perfect....if I knew it all I wouldn't take the classes!!
I don't know how to get through this but I'm gonna have to find a way because they charge double what Micheal's and AC Moore do and they won't refund your money after your first class. Everyone has to be paid up by the end of class or they can't return and no refunds after that. The thing is I paid in the spring when the class was canceled anyway so I didn't have to pay again.....they actually called and said they would hold the money till they had classes again...never offered a refund then. My friend who is taking the classes with me waited around 18mths with them holding her money for a class to come up she could attend and as it was she got put into a mother-daughter class!
Thanks for all your advice and help....I guess it's time to do some hard thinking!

gmcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gmcakes Posted 24 Oct 2006 , 8:19pm
post #23 of 27


Please keep in mind that if she is a certified Wilton Instructor, she should have a supervisor other than the manager of the local store.

If you don't feel like you have gotten everything you need out of this class, pick up the Wilton Courses on DVD. You will be able to see the technique, and if you need to see something done again, you won't have to ask that WITCH anything, just rewind and watch it again!

Don't be intimidated by this woman! It sounds like the rest of town is afraid to tell her what they think, but that doesn't mean YOU have to listen to her nonsense!

doescakestoo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
doescakestoo Posted 25 Oct 2006 , 5:05am
post #24 of 27

I would still check to see if she is a ligit instructor for Wilton. Because she Does have a Supervisor who does not own the store. And something can be said to her. Also if you do learn well by seeing it done, try a DVD from Wilton or any other's that are out there. DO NOT let her intimidate you. I have a strong neg passion for people out there that bully others just because they can. thumbsdown.gifthumbsdown.gifthumbsdown.gif If you need help with other flowers or such pm me. I would love to help you get way better than we know who..... icon_lol.gif

Jorre Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Jorre Posted 25 Oct 2006 , 5:17am
post #25 of 27

My Wilton instructor often showed people other's work as examples of well-done flowers or other stuff. She used several people's though, not just the same one.

Since she basically found something that all of us did really well to show the others, it made all of us feel good.

Our classes were always light-hearted and friendly and almost all of us took all 3 classes and are now taking project classes from her also.

homemaluhia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
homemaluhia Posted 25 Oct 2006 , 5:21am
post #26 of 27
Originally Posted by gmcakes

If you don't feel like you have gotten everything you need out of this class, pick up the Wilton Courses on DVD.

I agree with gmcakes, I too took a Wilton class hoping to learn something new. I found that the DVD was just as helpful and covered more things. My instructor didn't cover most of the items in the course book.

chrissysconfections Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
chrissysconfections Posted 25 Oct 2006 , 3:19pm
post #27 of 27

You've been such great help! I think I've made up my mind. I'm not going to let her bully me out of this class! I will complete this one and get my certificate and never return!! She won't have classes again till spring anyway so it's not really a great loss. I won't have all 3 certificates to hang in my shop (hopefully, someday) but that's life too. I looked into the DVD's and it's actually cheaper to get them then take the class ($20 v. $25 for the class). Plus I get to stay home nights with my little one and DH!!!

Thanks for all your great advice....I may even report her still. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for last class...maybe she was having a bad day???

P.S. With wonderful people like you all to give me guidence who needs to waste the time/money??? Your all so great!!!! thumbs_up.gif

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