Would A Refrigerated Truck/van Be Something To Buy?

Business By DoniB Updated 4 Jun 2007 , 7:08pm by indydebi

DoniB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
DoniB Posted 4 Jun 2007 , 3:41pm
post #1 of 2


I know this might be a strange question, but I'm in western NC, and we get HEAT and HUMIDITY, both very high, and usually at the same time. (and 'summer' runs from about mid-april to mid-november in my area in recent years) I already know that there are days when I have to run the A/C full tilt in the house, just to get my roses not to turn into little blobs, and so that my icing doesn't slide off the cake, but when thinking about starting up a business, it occurred to me that I should ask about this here.

I will need to buy a delivery vehicle when I'm ready to do this (ie: when I go legal)... neither of our current cars is appropriate, nor does the A/C work reliably in them. So I thought, buy the right kind of vehicle at the start, and that should take care of it.

Would a refrigerated truck be recommended, or would a minivan with really good A/C or even zone control do just as well? I know I'd have to start it up well in advance to have it cool enough, but that's not a problem.

Any advice? Is this even something I need to worry about? Those of you who have to deal with a great deal of heat and humidity, what would you suggest?


1 reply
indydebi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
indydebi Posted 4 Jun 2007 , 7:08pm
post #2 of 2

Indiana in the late summer is oppressing in the heat and humidity category! I have a delivery van and a 2nd delivery vehicle. A refrigerated truck is more for use with foods and veggies that need to be maintained at a very low temp for prolonged periods of time. My vehicles are just standard air conditioning and they work fine. (As a matter of fact, the van's AC doesn't work that well .... I'm taking it in later this week to be looked at).

If you have a good crusting icing, a regular delivery vehicle will be fine. I've never had icing-melt-down, even at an outdoor wedding in 90 degree heat and over 80% humidity (the thunderstorm hit minutes after I had cleaned up and left the reception!)

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