I know that a bride thinks her cake idea is the prettiest thing on the planet, but how many of you have ever had a bride with a just plain ugly cake idea? Did you actually make the cake of her "Dreams" or did you try to pursuade her to do something a little nicer. post pictures of the ugly creations if you have them...

Oh I can't wait to see these responses !
I don't do this for a living, but I think you make what the bride wants...and hope no one thinks it was your design...

I haven't done a wedding cake yet, but I think my wedding cake was the ugliest cake in history. I almost cried when I saw it, but it was too late to do anything about it, so I just took it and put on a brave face. I hope whoever made it got out of this line of business. If I ever do a wedding, my one goal is to make sure THIS doesn't happen to another bride.

mmdd -- Well, it was in 1994 so I'm over it now. Mostly It certainly was not what I thought I ordered.
dydemus -- Thank you for your kind words Pink is my above-all favorite color, but I simply hate this cake. I think the pinks clash and it's so...poofy.
If I ever got married again and made my own cake, I would make something like the cake in my photos with the fondant swags and pink roses. After I made it, I said to my husband, I wish THIS had been my wedding cake!

LOL! I recently remade our anniversary tier....the way I wanted it to look. (it's in my photos)
I specifically told that woman that I wanted the icing to be as smooth as she could get it...but there was cheap paper towel prints all over it; and all of the swiss dots had points to them....there were leaves amongst the roses, when all I wanted was roses period!! OH!!!!!!!!!! Just thinking about it makes me upset....and when it got to the site.....my faithful maid of honor sat for an hour picking all of the "fuzzies" from the trunk of her car off of it!! Ugh!

Yes, it happened to me 2 wks. ago. It was a celebrity wedding cake she had seen. It was awful. The entire middle tier was completely plain. Not one thing on it. I hated every minute of doing it. The top had a futureistic wire pearl thing. But, the entire bridal party sent me emails that they all loved it & it was so good. Go figure! Helen

Right now, I couldn't do a cake that I didn't love. I ask very specific questions: # of servings, theme, message, inspiration? That's it. Everything else must come from me because if I'm not loving it, then it is work.
If you want to tell me how to do it, then I'm not doing it for you because any bakery can do that. I believe in my creativity more than anything and I vowed to stay that way.
On the other hand....
If I was depending on this income to live on, I might have to do one here or there for the money. I guess it all depends on your situation.

I haven't made a wedding cake yet, but my wedding cake disaster was the reason I decided to learn to decorate cakes. All my young life my mother decorated cakes, she stopped doing them about 15 years ago with the acception of maybe 2 or 3 small birthday cakes. Obviously I saw all the cakes she made in the past and she did wonderful work so I asked her to make my wedding cake 2 years ago last January! Huge mistake not only did it look terrible, but she didn't even use the kind of frosting I wanted and to make matters worse she's my mother so I can't even complain about it. I hated it so much that I didn't even have the roll of pictures developed that has the cake on it. So when they say if you don't use it you lose it, BELIEVE IT!!! I know from experience.

Oh how awful, I am very sorry! I have yet to do a wedding cake but with a sister in law getting married in two years I know I will be asked and I can not wait!

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. I thought I was a bad person for thinking that someone else's "dream" was ugly! I am just really having a hard time making this cake. I also make cakes just for the creative release, so to be told to make it "just like this", when the original is so ugly, is just hard to wrap my mind around.

Thanks, sarah, I know it may not really look that bad...it's definitely not the ugliest one out there, but I wrote down instructions...I was very specific....I look back on it now...and remember us considering making our own cake....I wish we had done that, oh well!!!

My thoughts on those not wanting to do what the bride wants....how would you all feel, if you ordered something, cake or a handmade dress or whatever, & the person said they would not do it? I just feel when you are in business, the customer is the one who determines what style they want. Just my opinion!

My ugliest weddingcake (not that i have made many of them) Is my very first one. in my pictures. Ps. secretly i have to tell you that i was also invited to the reception and i was going to totally freak out when i saw that the bride had decorated the topper bride with a tiny red piece of a cloth , like a scarf on it or something and thrown red rose petals all around it.
The thing is that she was the one who wanted square and round and brought the topper and insisted in pink and white. i really didn't understand the red rose petals.
But what can we say peoples tastes are so dfferent and who are we to critisize it.

My thoughts on those not wanting to do what the bride wants....how would you all feel, if you ordered something, cake or a handmade dress or whatever, & the person said they would not do it? I just feel when you are in business, the customer is the one who determines what style they want. Just my opinion!
I think anyone has the right to choose not to do something. They may lose business, but that's their right. Say someone just doesn't like working with red and will do anything but red, well that's fine. As a customer you can also always choose to go somewhere else.

Oh yes, it has to be my hideous yellow and teal green monster with white columns and stairways. How embarrassing this was to deliver, but it's what she wanted.

My thoughts on those not wanting to do what the bride wants....how would you all feel, if you ordered something, cake or a handmade dress or whatever, & the person said they would not do it? I just feel when you are in business, the customer is the one who determines what style they want. Just my opinion!
I think anyone has the right to choose not to do something. They may lose business, but that's their right. Say someone just doesn't like working with red and will do anything but red, well that's fine. As a customer you can also always choose to go somewhere else.
I believe my feelings are more important that that of a client. I would tactfully say, as was mentioned earlier, "I'm sorry but that's not the style I make" and explain how they would be happier with someone else. A few years ago I was commissioned to paint 4 large paintings for a Japanese restaurant. I took the offer. The paintings came out great...exactly what they wanted but I can't even tell you how miserable I was painting them. I couldn't wait to finish and I swore I would never do that again. It simply was not in my heart to create those paintings. They were not ugly, they were actually very nice, but they didn't come from me.

Oh yes, it has to be my hideous yellow and teal green monster with white columns and stairways. How embarrassing this was to deliver, but it's what she wanted.
You decorated the cake nicely, I mean, it looks GREAT! So, hopefully people will remember that instead of the color!!!
I wonder what these brides think down the road when they look back at their cakes? I wonder if they're still the most beautiful thing to them?!?!?!

I have to do an ugly wedding cake in July. What I mean by that is it looks like stepping into the late '80's/early '90's again!!! She's having two sets of stairs, I think about 8 sets of seperators and a fountain. Not to mention that up and down the stairs will be plastic bridesmaids & groomsmen. White and royal blue are the colors, lots of old fashioned string work, ug, not one that I'm excited about displaying in a portfolio!!!!

This thread is funny to read, thus part of the reason I made my own (for my second wedding). I don't have pics, but my first wedding cake was very large with a fountain, the stairs, greens the whole nine yards- it was "poofy" and way too busy, not simply elegant like today's cakes are (my first was in 1994). My husband, however, did tell me that he thought my cake was a little too "plain", but he said it tasted great. We just have different opinions on my cake decorating- and I take his criticism lightly, as he is all about eating it, not looking at it!

I haven't made a wedding cake yet, but my wedding cake disaster was the reason I decided to learn to decorate cakes. All my young life my mother decorated cakes, she stopped doing them about 15 years ago with the acception of maybe 2 or 3 small birthday cakes. Obviously I saw all the cakes she made in the past and she did wonderful work so I asked her to make my wedding cake 2 years ago last January! Huge mistake not only did it look terrible, but she didn't even use the kind of frosting I wanted and to make matters worse she's my mother so I can't even complain about it. I hated it so much that I didn't even have the roll of pictures developed that has the cake on it. So when they say if you don't use it you lose it, BELIEVE IT!!! I know from experience.

I'm glad i'm not the only one this has happened to! I think the anniversary tier is still in my mother's freezer - I certainly didn't want it! It probably tasted fine (I couldn't tell you) and everyone said it didn't look as bad as I thought it did but it certainly wasn't anything even close to what I would have liked. I guess I got what I paid for AND I should have know better. I only have one picture of that cake and that is the reason I made my own 10th anniversary cake!

dolcesunshine20, if you hadn't mentioned the colors I would think you were making a cake for the same bride!!!! Her color is light purple. I think her mother is pushing this style of cake, the MOB is very stuck in the 80's. She used to decorate cakes and when she stopped, this was the biggest, newest style.

Ok I think Iv got you all beat, this month Ill be doing a wedding cake with green icing and little blue flowers. Its in the Wilton A Romantic Portfolio page 32, any tips from anyone? has anyone done this cake ??? Hers will be set up different.
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