Eeyore Cake Help For My Daughter's First Birthday

Decorating By ComplexSun Updated 14 Feb 2006 , 2:19pm by KHalstead

ComplexSun Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ComplexSun Posted 12 Feb 2006 , 2:37am
post #1 of 5

Hi Everyone,

I'm going to be attmepting to make a cake like this for my little one's first birthday in the next couple of weeks. but I'm kinda stuck for ideas, can anyone out here help me out? I figured I'd make a jelly roll cake for the body, but I wasn't sure whether to make the head out of cake or use a styrofoam dummy for the head. I'm going to be placing this cake on top of a sheet cake as there will be many people here....more than just the eeyore cake alone will feed. So if anyone can take a look at the pic and give me any ideas for icing or decorating I'd truly appreciate it. I thought about fondant, but was told that it tastes terrible, and then I heard about rolled buttercream and mmf, but it's all so confusing....this is my first 3d like I said, any help is greatly appreciated!

Also another question....A girlfriend of mine would like a cake like this for her son's 2nd birthday, and she's asked me to make it if I am successful at the one for my daughter's birthday. She is willing to pay for it, she says she dosen't care what it costs, but what would be a fair price do you think? I don't want to cheat anyone, but I don't want to cheat myself either.

One other thing before I forget....I've heard of rolled buttercream, is it similar to fondant icing at all? I've heard that rolled fondant (especially the ready-bought) can taste kinda yucky, so I was thinking of rolled buttecream, but wasn't sure if I'd get the same effect.....what do you think? And do you know where I can find a good quality rolled buttercream recipe?

Thanks again, and happy decorating.

4 replies
freddyfl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
freddyfl Posted 12 Feb 2006 , 2:49am
post #2 of 5

this cake looks like a fondant cake. I found MMF really easy to work with when I made my first cake in December. It tastes pretty good. It is really sweet though. The nice thing is that if people don't want to eat it they can peel it off and there is buttercream underneath. I wouldn't go with storebought fondant unless you are willing to pay a fortune for it. The mmf is really cheap to make, so you don't mind people not eating it. I have never used rolled buttercream before so I can't help you there. I think just regular buttercream would be too hard to acheive the right look. As far as the head goes, I would have to give it some thought. I am sure someone WAY more experienced could help you out there, though.

ComplexSun Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ComplexSun Posted 12 Feb 2006 , 3:34pm
post #3 of 5

Ok thanks, that's helpful.....anyone have any other tips possibly about the construction of the head?

freddyfl Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
freddyfl Posted 13 Feb 2006 , 8:46am
post #4 of 5

after looking at the picture again I am thinking that you might be able to make the body out of a large loaf pan and the head out of a small one and then just scuplt them to the proper shape. Then use a dowel to stick them together along with some frosting. I can't see the pic at the moment, but maybe I would cover the head in the fondant first in the basic blue/gray shade and add the detailed fondant pieces afterwards. Good luck. Again, I am sure someone with more experience could be more helpful.

KHalstead Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KHalstead Posted 14 Feb 2006 , 2:19pm
post #5 of 5

isn't there a lamb cake pan already shaped in the same position that eeyore is laying???? Maybe you could use that 3-d cake pan and then just ice it up with buttercream and finish molding eeyore's face out of the mmf. I have also never worked with rolled buttercream , but have used the mmf and I agree it is very easy to work with, it's basically melted marshmallows and if you can imagine what that would taste like, it is pretty sweet........but let me tell LOVE it. So maybe you could just have the children at the party eat eeyore ( I mean they will love that more than the adults anyhow) and then have all the adults eat from the sheet cake.......the taste shouldn't be an issue.

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