Tweety Holiday Cake - Fbct

Tweety Holiday Cake - Fbct on Cake Central

Another cake with a FBCT. I've taken to making the edges thinner so I can push the outline flush with the frosting on the cake. Makes it look more 3D and much nicer IMO than with a border around the FBCT. I did the outline a tad fatter than I should've (used a #3 and obviously should've used a #2) but if you don't look close, it doesn't look to bad. Now, if only I could get the wilton spray color not to glob up like that.

Comments (4)


Your tweety looks so amazingly perfect!!! I don't see anything wrong with it. I too like the FBCT without a border...great job!


Your tweety looks so amazingly perfect!!! I don't see anything wrong with it. I too like the FBCT without a border...great job!