Austin's Bowling Party

Austin's Bowling Party on Cake Central

This was a birthday cake for a nephew who's into bowling and had his party at the bowling alley. Chocolate cake with buttercream and fondant accents (pins and balls). Some pins are on wire to look like they're in the process of being hit. Other pins layed under them and some are down that back side of the cake. The ball that hit the pins was made to look like the birthday boy's ball - red, white and blue swirl. He loved it.

Comments (8)


this is so cute!!! I didn't look forward to my bowling order, wish I had your talent!! Love the pins and balls!!


this is so cute!!! I didn't look forward to my bowling order, wish I had your talent!! Love the pins and balls!!


this is so cute!!! I didn't look forward to my bowling order, wish I had your talent!! Love the pins and balls!!


this is so cute!!! I didn't look forward to my bowling order, wish I had your talent!! Love the pins and balls!!