
Comments (30)


OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is Fabulous!!! ;-D If you could be so kind and email me how you did the calla lillies I'd be sooo greatful!!! I have need to include calla lillies in a cake I'm making for a party in Oct! Thank [email protected]


They are really beautiful, but I think they are silk calla lillies...Lovely job Paula...hablas espanol?


my thought was silk flowers too only because we recently had a discussion on calli lillies on cakes it is beautiful!


OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is Fabulous!!! ;-D If you could be so kind and email me how you did the calla lillies I'd be sooo greatful!!! I have need to include calla lillies in a cake I'm making for a party in Oct! Thank [email protected]


They are really beautiful, but I think they are silk calla lillies...Lovely job Paula...hablas espanol?


my thought was silk flowers too only because we recently had a discussion on calli lillies on cakes it is beautiful!