Fire Fighters Wedding 6-3-05

Fire Fighters Wedding 6-3-05 on Cake Central

This cake almost didn't get finished! The FD got called to a 3 story fire the evening I finished baking the cakes. We fought the fire from 7pm to 3am! The next day after getting some rest I decorated it. Then we FD had another fire. The next day was the wedding. During the wedding there was a storm & the electricity went out. Thank God for generators!! That night we had an EMS call. The hard part was catching up on my rest!!! It didn't turn out as nice as I wanted but then they never do.. do they~ Thanks!

Comments (42)


Thanks everyone!! I appreciate your kind words. The cake stand was given to me from tcrema (one of my bestest friends). Believe it or not it is hard plastic! It has 5 tiers that come apart. You can arrange it anyway you like & also stack it together. I love it! Tcrema bought it on ebay.


Congratulations! After what happened you still managed to finished the cakes and they are very pretty. I love the colors and the cake stand too! Good job turtle


Thanks everyone!! I appreciate your kind words. The cake stand was given to me from tcrema (one of my bestest friends). Believe it or not it is hard plastic! It has 5 tiers that come apart. You can arrange it anyway you like & also stack it together. I love it! Tcrema bought it on ebay.


Congratulations! After what happened you still managed to finished the cakes and they are very pretty. I love the colors and the cake stand too! Good job turtle