Pastor's 35Th Anniversary In Ministry

Pastor's 35Th Anniversary In Ministry on Cake Central

Full Sheet cake, half devils food, half WASC. Regular BC icing with fresh sugared grapes and fondant plaque, hand written with scripture verse. He was very surprised. My first attempt at sugared fruits. The bottom border is suppose to be a grape vine with leaves. I think it turned out well. I ended up using silk leaves for the sugared grapes.

Comments (10)


The sugar fruit is done using a fine grain sugar (bakers C&H is what I used) and egg whites. I painted the grapes then sprinkled on the sugar and let dry. I tried to let dry for 24 hrs before using on the cake. If there is a better method that anyone know of then let me know. But that's how I did them. Thanks for the comments.


The sugar fruit is done using a fine grain sugar (bakers C&H is what I used) and egg whites. I painted the grapes then sprinkled on the sugar and let dry. I tried to let dry for 24 hrs before using on the cake. If there is a better method that anyone know of then let me know. But that's how I did them. Thanks for the comments.