Celebration Cake

Comments (6)


amysue99, the flowers on that cake were a quick fix. I used the gum paste cutters of a few different flowers and cut them out of fondant. I put them together and painted them with the only thing I had which was gel colour. I put a dot of yellow royal icing in the center and called it done. The larger flower I left in the lily holder for a few days. This was a freebe for the church. Hope that helps.


amysue99, the flowers on that cake were a quick fix. I used the gum paste cutters of a few different flowers and cut them out of fondant. I put them together and painted them with the only thing I had which was gel colour. I put a dot of yellow royal icing in the center and called it done. The larger flower I left in the lily holder for a few days. This was a freebe for the church. Hope that helps.