Spring Cake

Spring Cake on Cake Central

I made this cake for a friend's theater company "Spring Fling.: The little guys on the cake are part of thier logo, it's a children's theater company that does skits about teasing, bullying, and other childhood concerns. All the figures are done in color flow, flowers are royal icing, and cake is buttercream

Comments (14)


Thanks everyone! Colorflow is a bi***, isn't it? My first set was destroyed... had them on the bed in the spare room to dry... was the only flat surface in the house I could find. I made sure to keep the door closed, but my BF left it open one day and my dog jumped up there and did a little dance on them... oh well, live and learn.


Thanks everyone! Colorflow is a bi***, isn't it? My first set was destroyed... had them on the bed in the spare room to dry... was the only flat surface in the house I could find. I made sure to keep the door closed, but my BF left it open one day and my dog jumped up there and did a little dance on them... oh well, live and learn.