The Pieces Put Together

The Pieces Put Together on Cake Central

Here it is my first attempt at a cookie bouquet, my trouble was getting the cookies to not swivel in the foam. I used the green foam but still had problems.

It was fun and I am going to continue to do cookies as well as cakes.

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Comments (14)


Cake_princess, this was my first attempt at a bouquet, used it to see if I could do it or not or whether I coud handle how tidious it is. Gave it to my Goddaughter, she's 2, and she thought it was great. More than likely not because it was cute, buit because it was a lot of cookies.

Now trying to put together some ideas of my own for Mother's Day.


very cute!! what kind of cookie cutter did you use to make his body? i'd appreciate the help, i'd like to make this for easter!!javascript:emoticon('post', 'message', ':roll:')!


Cake_princess, this was my first attempt at a bouquet, used it to see if I could do it or not or whether I coud handle how tidious it is. Gave it to my Goddaughter, she's 2, and she thought it was great. More than likely not because it was cute, buit because it was a lot of cookies.

Now trying to put together some ideas of my own for Mother's Day.


very cute!! what kind of cookie cutter did you use to make his body? i'd appreciate the help, i'd like to make this for easter!!javascript:emoticon('post', 'message', ':roll:')!