My First Icing Smiles Cake! Dream Cake For Torey...

Here?s the story on how this cake came to be?

This past Monday I received a phone call for my first call to action! I was told that a dream cake was in need and asked if I was able to take this cake on for Torey who was turning 18. I had NO orders this weekend so I said absolutely, yes! On Tuesday I was able to speak with the birthday girl, Torey. She told me that she really wanted a cake that had something to do with an appaloosa horse, which she just happens to own one of her very own named Victoria?s Secret (Secret is her barn name). Her parents bought Secret for her last year, but they have no idea when her birth date was so she wanted to celebrate her birthday along with her horses.She wanted chocolate cake with peanut butter filling and icing. Because it is a dream cake it needed to be a sculpted cake or a tiered cake. I don?t know what I was thinking when I decided to go for doing a carved cake with not much notice to plan, but I went for it lol.

This was by far the most challenging cake I have ever taken on. Things were going well and then the nose started to tear a bit. I saran wrapped it and thought in the morning it may be okay?when I woke up it seemed good so I took off the saran wrap. While making more icing and doing other small things, the entire nose started to fall off. I tried everything to save it but after about an hour of trying I just ripped the whole darn head off?.at about 10:30AM, the cake was due for 4:00PM and I was delivering.

Luckily that morning I had thought to bake extra 6? cakes just in case something happened I would have a backup plan. So I stacked and carved 3 cakes for the neck/head. I used a cake ball/RKT mixture for the nose. I doweled and stacked the cake as secure as I have ever done before and it didn?t move at all during the hour long delivery ride. This cake was HEAVY. I realized it wasn?t going to fit in my car with my daughter in tow, so thankfully my cousin watched her so we could take out the car seat and use the whole back seat. We got it in the car, but I had no idea how we were going to get it out lol. Luckily her Dad was able to lift it right out with no problem then we carried it in together.

Torey, her parents and her brother loved the cake and were so incredibly gracious. It was by far the most rewarding thing I could have ever done to make this cake for Torey through Icing Smiles. I can?t say thank you enough to Kristen from Bliss Pastry! She had her own beautiful dream cake to do even though she was not feeling well all week, and yet she still did so much to cheer me on and help me get through the head falling off drama lol. She is one amazing lady! <3><3


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