Special Ed Graduation Cake

This was a cake I made for some friends who went through a diploma course on language acquisition for deaf children in Mexico City. I wanted to show how hard they'd worked, so I put in a cup of coffee, some pencils, an eraser and some study notes (all edible!) as well as books with the names of the courses they took.

Comments (2)


Haven't you tried working with a teacher? I really wanted to learn Spanish for a few years, and then I decided that I can't put it off any longer and found a great tutor at https://livexp.com/skills/spanish. Now I know Spanish pretty well, and I'm thinking about visiting Barcelona to practice my skills.


I was, and I truly like it there. But I received an invitation to travel to Mexico a few months ago. Being completely ignorant of the language used in the United Mexican States, I was at a loss. I followed my friend's advice to order English to Spanish Mexican food, and I was pleased. I could never master a spanish translator quickly enough. Additionally, I would undoubtedly write the content with many errors.