Princess Doll Cake

I call this one the 'Bridesmaid' because it looks to me like one of those horrible pink taffeta bridesmaid dresses from the 1980s! But it was actually a small princess cake I threw together in 2 hours as a surprise for one of my son's friends who was turning 5 and having a few friends over for cake on a quiet afternoon. I pulled 2 six-inch rounds I had left over from Lightning McQueen cake (I made a ton of cake for that one because I wasn't sure if I'd do a big McQueen, or just a topper), and also some scraps of cakes I had left over from the first Yoda cake and pasted it all together and carved this dress out of it. I mostly only had red fondant and some off-white on hand, which I mixed together in various batches to make a few shades of this horrible pink. I really didn't have enough to do a thick enough layer to cover the whole thing, so it tore in a few places, and I had to do some creative patch work (hence the big bows and swags and general fluff). I have no idea how to do flowers so just kept winging it till I got a few that looked good enough (and big enough) to cover the tears and holes. The little girl was stunned and the mom was so in awe of this, and all I could do was laugh because to me it was so awful in a way, but very very girly and sweet in another.


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