Butterfly Cake Graduation

This is a dark chocolate sheet cake iced with real butter butter cream icing flavored with cheese cake Lorann's flavoring oil. The butterfly is supposed to be significant to the girl receiving the cake, as are the purple flowers. Both are made out of gum paste. The scroll was a little bit of gum paste that I had left over, so I colored it with a little bit of brown and yellow, rolled it out paper thin, and placed a few scraps of paper towel wadded up here and there to make it look like it had a few crinkles in it, and used brown petal dust on the edges to make it look old. Then I propped it up on a few marshmallows to give it depth, once it had dried and was placed on the cake. I used royal icing to write on the scroll. I also airbrushed on the top of the cake, what was 'supposed' to be sunbeams. This too is supposed to have some significance to the girl receiving the cake. Needless to say, they don't look like sunbeams. (Drat!) You win some, you lose some.


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