Flamin' Skateboard

I made this for a Best Friends 12th Bday! I used 3 "13x9"..probably could have used 4..but I made due. I free had cut a template of the skateboard shape from parchement paper, then since 13x9 werent long enough I carved 1/2 the board on 1 of the 13x9 for bottome. My friend requested fudge in the inside I just used the "Whipped" DH icing...it was a marble cake, fudge middle and the 3rd 13x9 I torted, and put on top of the other cakes. Crumbcoated in BC icing. I then put this on the "cake board" i cut to shape the body of the SKateboard which was coverd in "Black Foil". It is all MMF covered. Wheels RCT cov'd with Fondant. Cake w/cakeboard sits ontop a makeshif Base; I didnt get the "Foam"..just made the bottom base from theleft over cardboard. I did make holes in that base to run a dowel rod thru and just Attached/pushed in the wheels. I was stressin' over this cake for days..all in all the Flames worried me but I did it in sections. Just cut them out w/the Fodant cutter(like the pizza cutter but smaller).. and placed Red first the the yellow Layers!! My BFF loved it and I heard it was a HIT at HOOTERS that night!! I think it Came out pretty cool! Hope you like and HOpe i gave enough details! I hate when People dont "SHARE their HOW TOO's"!! anywhooooo Thanks for looking and I thanks to the CC people for answering my messages for how toos!

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