Base Ball Bag Cake

Base Ball Bag Cake on Cake Central

This base ball bag was carved from one 12x18 sheet cake cut in half and stacked...with some crowns placed on the top for added hieght. The cake was iced and then wrapped loosely with fondant...the wrinkles in the bag were pressed in and then the excess from the bottom was cut away. The strap was made using a textured rolling pin (smocking) and rolling it in two directions across the was cut with a ribbon cutter...allowed to dry just slightly and then attached. The ball, bat, and glove were modeled from white chocolate paste and then covered with fondant...details were added with a red food color pen and buttercream icing on the glove....cake was airbrushed...board is iced with buttercream and then sponged with thinned buttercream (using a wadded up paper towel) The zipper is a strip cut down the center using a zigzag tool that looks like a plastic pizza cutter...think it was making clay brand...inside of bag was airbrushed black...zipper pieces added to the sides of the open whole...only goes down about an inch and a half...was rreally cute


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