Fear Factor Cockroach

This was a request from a 10yr old boy having a fear factor party. It was also filled on top of the cake with vanilla mousse that I colored green so when it was cut open green stuff oozed out. For a party that was mostly boys, they loved it.

Comments (24)


This is so brilliant. Only a boy would request it, love it and eat it. But you did a great job. Scary how real it looks!


EEEEWWWW! That is funny but it looks real. I live in FL. I know what these ugly things look like. they are everywhere here. lol It's very real.


I have a huge phobia of bugs, esp. roaches, but I had to come look at your cake and it was worth it! Wow! 8O


i`m laughing so hard,of corse because i know is raoach cake not a real roach.. really cool and detailed.


This is just plain nasty! (And I mean that in the nicest possible way :wink: ) Amazing! You did a really great job on this!