I have been asked to make a cake that looks something like the cake on here.....
or here....
Now--while I think these are majorly cute and fun--I have never made buttercream creatures like these. I don't know if I am confident to try on someone's cake. I know I could make something cute out of fondant, but I want to please the customer. Anyone have any advise?
Practice on a piece of wax paper. I think you'll find them fairly easy. I'm confident I could do it and I can't even write on cakes. lol
It's called figure piping.
Anyone have any advise?
My advice...
Search for tutorials on figure piping techniques, or view the technique on the Wilton site:
You may be interested in Chef Mike Terry's DVD on Fat Buddies. He uses a cupcake or two as the base for his critters and pipes mounds of buttercream on them to make fabulous little animals and creatures in about 60 seconds each. I have seen a couple of his demos at ICES events, and he is the master of this technique. Check out three little examples in the middle of this page
and then click on the "for sale" tab if you're interested in ordering. The basic techniques can be used without the cupcake, too - just pipe smaller versions onto the cake or whatever.
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