Buy, Sell, Trade Rules

The "Buy, Sell, Trade" portion of this site is a private forum for registered members only.  Use of this area is at your own risk.

Cake Central does not monitor the postings on the site for accuracy or reliability, and makes no warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of any information posted on the site. Cake Central does not guarantee or have information regarding the quality of any of the products bought or traded or acquired through the Buy, Sell, Trade area. The choice to participate, the terms of any transaction and the outcome are solely your responsibility. Deals are made solely between members and Cake Central is not liable for any any loss or damage, including but not limited to no payment, not receiving item, personal injury, death, or any other negative outcome, resulting from use of the Buy, Sell, Trade forums or bought/traded items. Cake Central is not responsible and will not compensate any participants in any way for trades conducted by other Cake Central Buy, Sell, Trade participants and will not deliver transacted products. While we encourage equitable sales and trading, Cake Central has no responsibility for the fairness or completion of any transaction. 

Trader Feedback Rules & Guidelines

  • By participating on this site, you agree to allow other users' to leave trader feedback for you, whether it is negative, positive, or neutral.
  • Do not leave fraudulent feedback for another member.  By participating on this site, you agree to leave only truthful feedback.  This includes leaving false negative ratings for a competitor or leaving false ratings for friends.  It is prohibited to exchange feedback for the sole purpose of increasing feedback scores or enhancing reputation.
  • No individual is allowed to provide feedback on themselves.  This includes creating multiple accounts with the intent of boosting your own rating.
  • Feedback should only be left based on a completed transaction in which payment and/or trade has been successfully received.  Feedback should not be left for any inquiries or exchanges where no goods or funds have passed between members.
  • Do not leave offensive feedback or feedback with inappropriate content in it.
  • No individual should use the trader feedback system as a threat.  It is prohibited to use the feedback system as an attempt to get something that wasn't part of the original listing.  Honest feedback should be given to those who deserve it, whether it is negative, positive, or neutral. 
  • Sellers cannot demand feedback from buyers.  It is prohibited to include terms or conditions in a listing that require or restrict the buyer's right to leave feedback.
  • Retaliatory feedback is not permitted.
  • Ratings and comments are generally a permanent part of a member's feedback history.  However, we reserve the right to remove feedback.